patient update

August 2012

Unusual Turtle Injury

By |2012-08-07T21:57:04-04:00August 7th, 2012|Turtle Hospital, Uncategorized|

Turtle #77 admitted to KTTC this season was truly a unique case. The majority of the turtles arriving at the centre have been hit by cars, or occasionally boats. We even get the occasional call about turtles stranded in construction sites or pools. 2012-077 however, came to us having been kicked by a horse! On [...]

July 2011

Turtle Taxi Tripper

By |2011-07-25T09:12:19-04:00July 25th, 2011|Turtle Hospital, Uncategorized, Volunteers|

A Painted Turtle is returned home after its injuries have healed. Do you like roadtrips? How about travelling the province to help save injured turtles - or take them home once they've recovered? KTTC's turtle taxi volunteers do just that! This past season Megan travelled a total of 1400km transporting recovered turtles back [...]

September 2010

The Story of Baby Turtles 1, 2 & 3

By |2010-09-16T20:16:00-04:00September 16th, 2010|Turtle Hospital, Uncategorized|

Have a turtle story to share? Pass it along and we'll post it on our blog. This story was submitted by a local resident who helped return baby turtles hatched at the KTTC to the wild.Saturday, September 11, 2010 was release day for baby turtles 1, 2 &3.Painted Turtle Mom had been found injured on [...]

June 2010

2010 Turtle Releases

By |2010-06-19T09:12:19-04:00June 19th, 2010|Turtle Hospital, Uncategorized|

by Lindsay Robbins Releasing is perhaps one of the most incredible adventures experienced by a KTTC volunteer. After an entire year of healing, many ups and downs and countless hours of hard work its nothing short of miraculous to get the opportunity to return these amazing creatures to their natural environment where they will do [...]

February 2010

2009 Season a Success Thanks to Partners

By |2010-02-26T00:18:00-04:00February 26th, 2010|Turtle Hospital, Uncategorized|

2009 was a very exciting year for the Kawartha Turtle Trauma Centre (KTTC). Although we were forced to relocate at the height of turtle nesting season, we still managed to admit over 65 turtles with the help of other wildlife rehabilitators, the Riverview Park & Zoo, and a dedicated crew of volunteer "turtle [...]

November 2009

Patient Updates 2009

By |2009-11-28T17:29:00-04:00November 28th, 2009|Turtle Hospital, Uncategorized|

Our new vet, Dr. Carstairs, has provided the following updates and photos of some of our patients. Snapping Turtle This guy was one of the first turtles to be transferred to TWC via the KTTC taxi service this past summer. He was one of the largest turtles taken in this year, although we do have [...]

October 2009

Turtle Videos

By |2009-10-07T22:29:00-04:00October 7th, 2009|Turtle Hospital, Uncategorized|

The KTTC now has a YouTube account to chronicle our rehabilitation effort! Snapping Turtle sauntering around the centre Young Map Turtles being released into the wild Other videos of interest: Our Incredible World Snapper Profile Hinterland Who's Who Snapping Turtle Webisode

June 2009

Turtle Release Featured on CHEX News

By |2009-06-04T01:19:00-04:00June 4th, 2009|Turtle Hospital, Uncategorized|

June is a busy month at the KTTC. Although we've already had some turtles dropped off to us this spring, we will likely receive many new patients over the next month. June is the height of turtle nesting season and unfortunately this is the time of year turtles are most likely to be hit by [...]

May 2009

Legend’s Babies

By |2009-05-01T19:08:13-04:00May 1st, 2009|Turtle Hospital, Uncategorized|

A mature Map Turtle, who has been nick-named “Legend”, came to the KTTC with a shell fracture in the spring of last year. Shortly thereafter she delivered 5 eggs into her water enclosure. Four of her oblong eggs were placed an incubator and left - untouched until the babies broke through their shells in the [...]