Snapping Turtle

February 2014

A New Face in the Pond: The Snapping Turtle Hunt

By |2014-02-26T18:56:17-04:00February 26th, 2014|Uncategorized, Volunteers|

I’m sure many of you saw our recent Facebook post announcing that the City of Kawartha Lakes supports a ban on the Snapping Turtle hunt. This was amazing news! But to be honest, I was a little shocked. I couldn’t believe how an animal listed as a Species at Risk could still be hunted legally. [...]

February 2012

Snapping Turtle – on the road to extinction

By |2012-02-21T17:51:08-04:00February 21st, 2012|Research, Uncategorized|

Turtles and tortoises are among the most endangered group of vertebrate animals in the world: more than half of the 328 known species are threatened with extinction. In Ontario, road mortality is one of the leading threats to turtles - but it is not the only one. Despite being listed as a species of special [...]

October 2011

Help End Hunting of Snapping Turtles in Ontario

By |2011-10-17T18:19:36-04:00October 17th, 2011|Uncategorized|

Although listed as a species of special concern both federally and provincially, snapping turtles are still legally hunted with an allowable take of up to two snapping turtles per person, per day. Ontario Nature is deeply concerned that a species at risk is legally hunted in this province. Visit their website for more information on [...]

October 2009

Turtle Videos

By |2009-10-07T22:29:00-04:00October 7th, 2009|Turtle Hospital, Uncategorized|

The KTTC now has a YouTube account to chronicle our rehabilitation effort! Snapping Turtle sauntering around the centre Young Map Turtles being released into the wild Other videos of interest: Our Incredible World Snapper Profile Hinterland Who's Who Snapping Turtle Webisode

January 2009

Spotlight on the Snapping Turtle (Chelydra serpentina)

By |2009-01-29T18:50:57-04:00January 29th, 2009|Uncategorized|

This young snapper just hatched, thanks to the sharp egg tooth still visible on the end of its snout. (courtesy of R. Dolson) The Kawartha Turtle Trauma Centre would like to pay homage this month to the Snapping Turtle (Chelydra serpentina). In 2008, the Committee on the Status of Endangered Wildlife in Canada [...]