When it comes to Valentine’s Day, most people think of romantic love. However, I believe this holiday is a great opportunity to celebrate all types of love. So in the spirit of Valentine’s Day, I will be devoting this post to celebrating the love of turtles!

Being fairly new here at the KTTC, I thought this week would be a great opportunity to find out how I can show my love for these wonderful creatures. I talked to some of the staff and we came up with some great ideas to share with everyone.

If you love someone (or something), let it go… Ontario’s turtles belong in Ontario’s wild.

When people find a cute little turtle on the road, they often want to protect it by bringing it home where it’s safe. However, the best place for these threatened animals is in the wild where they can breed and live naturally. Treasure the glimpses you get of turtles in their natural habitat.

At the KTTC, we make sure all turtles are released back to the location where they were found

Help turtles cross the road

As I expressed in my last post, roads present a huge challenge for turtles. The act of moving it across the road is a great way to show your love. Remember to move it in the direction in which it was travelling, so it can get where it needs to go.

Now we will admit, moving turtles is not always easy so here are some tips to help.

  • Make sure its safe – Find a safe place to pull over, and check for traffic.
  • Always use two hands and hold it away from your body – Turtles will do two things: First, they will shift their weight to try to get free. Second, they will pee on you.
  • Snapping turtles – Even if you pick it up from the sides, a snapper can reach its head around to your hands. The best way to move a large snapper is to get it onto something to help you move it across the road. A shovel or car mat both work well. For some more tips, here is a great video from the Toronto Zoo.

 Warning Signs

Turtle crossing signs provide a great warning to drivers. If you know of a road that is particularly dangerous, you can show your love by looking into getting a crossing sign for that section of road. Check out the Toronto Zoo’s Adopt-a-Pond website for more information on this great project.

 Get Involved

There are so many ways to get involved with the KTTC. Whether you become a member, volunteer at the centre, hold a fundraiser or make a donation, we are happy to help you show your turtle love! Check out our website or Facebook page for more information.

As I finish up this post, I want to change my focus from the turtles, to our supporters. At the KTTC, we appreciate every person and organization that shares in our journey. We have some great supporters, and we want to send our love out to all of you!

Happy Valentine’s Day!

Until next time,

Intern Laura