As Kawartha Turtle Trauma Centre faces closure due to unprecedented numbers of injured turtles admitted, a threatened Blanding’s turtle is ready for release following one year of treatment.
May 2010, a female Blanding’s turtle was seriously injured after being struck by a car while attempting to cross a road to nest. Bleeding and with her carapace (upper shell) badly cracked, she was picked up by a passing motorist and rushed to the Kawartha Turtle Trauma Centre (KTTC), a non-profit hospital for native turtles in Peterborough. While recovering at KTTC, she laid 13 eggs that were successfully incubated, hatched, and released back into her habitat. Now, more than a year later, the mother is finally ready to be released!
Ontario has eight native turtle species. Seven, including the Blanding’s, are listed as “species at risk,” in danger of extinction. 2011 has been declared “The Year of the Turtle” as they are disappearing from the planet faster than any group of animal (
A victim of its own success, as word of KTTC has spread its admissions have skyrocketed. As of today, half-way through the nesting season, 160 turtles have been admitted from all over Ontario and over 500 eggs, from four different species, are being incubated in our nursery. With the high costs of medical supplies, specialty foods, caging requirements, and rent, KTTC is struggling to prevent having to close its doors. $8,000 must be raised in order to continue this critical work for the rest of the season.
Media Contact: Kate Siena