Capital Campaign Supporters
OTCC is raising funds for our new home, Where Community and Conservation Connect! Our current location is limited in space and scope, and our new facility and grounds will allow us to have a greater impact on conservation. We could not have done this without the generous support of our donors!
Learn more about our new location, watch the video complete with drone footage, download our Capital Campaign booklet, or donate now to add your support.
We are almost to our goal but there are still Naming Opportunities available. Add your name to the list of Naming Funders! Contact Us on our website or email info@ontarioturtle.ca to learn more.
Major Naming Funders (donations of $50,000 and more)
Mary Young and Gerry Young
“Margaret Mary Young and C.J. Gerry Young Conservation Farm”
Gordon and Patricia Gray Animal Welfare Foundation
“The Gordon and Patricia Gray Ontario Turtle Conservation Centre”
Alan and Patricia Koval Foundation
“The Koval Tinker Turtle Hospital”
In Memory of Lindsay Samuel
(Naming TBD)
Liam’s Dream Foundation
“Liam David’s Hospital Admission Area”
The Michael Young Family Foundation
(Outdoor Education Centre, Naming TBD)
The Morton-Sayles Family
“NOAH’S PLACE, In Memory of a beloved Son and Grandson, Noah Sayles” (Retail Facility)
Naming Funders (donations of $5,000 to $49,999)
The Reverend Dr. Connie and Dennis Phillipson
(Hatchling Room #1)
Sheryl and David Kerr
“The Sheryl and David Kerr Hatchling Room”
Nicole Dufort
“The Nicole Dufort Hospital Viewing Area”
Marc and Susan Dupuis-Desormeaux
“The John Oliver Turtle Salmonella Prevention Pond”
Mr. Kwong and Mrs. Fanny Hum and Family
(Congregation area of Education Centre)
Maada’ookii Committee, Mississaugas of Scugog Island First Nation
(Hatchling area)
Gary Markotich
“Head-started Hatchling Habitat Tank donated by Gary Markotich in memory of Mary Markotich”
Karin Martens-Wasylyk
(Paddy’s new enclosure)
Sean A. Rhoads
(Viewing Wall – Hatchling Area)
A special thanks to those who donated their expertise
Adam Chapman
for drawing up the original architectural plans

Wilk Associates Landscape Architecture
for creating landscape architecture plans and a virtual tour of the site

Herb Lang Well Drilling
for drilling a new well for the facility at no charge
Ray McNiece
for creating artwork depicting the new facility
Gervais Vignola of FishDog Video
for creating video promotions

Scott Adams of Birchbark Media
for producing drone footage for video promotions
Thank you for your support!