Janet Knight is a wonderful artist in the Hastings area who has started a craft group with four other women to create beautiful mosaic tile turtles. Janet was first inspired to create these incredible turtles when she learned about the “Loggerhead Marinelife Centre” near her winter home in Juno Beach, Florida. Janet and her team created and donated mosaic tile sea turtles to the Loggerhead Centre, helping raise over $1,300 for injured sea turtles. Now, back in Canada for the summer, Janet and her team of artists have worked extremely hard to create 12 amazing one-of-a-kind tile turtles for Kawartha Turtle Trauma Centre! We are thrilled to accept these pieces of art and currently have them on display at our new “Turtle Education Centre” located in the village of Keene (15 minutes East of Peterborough). Thank you so much to Janet and her talented team of friends: Glenda Hayhurst, Grace Harrison, Eleanor Kniffen, and Marg Seaton.