This past Saturday the 1st annual Turtle Crawl Walk-a-thon raised a grand total of $2, 237.20 for the KTTC – That’s almost enough to cover our operating expenses for the month! Congratulations to event organizer Brooke Bays for a job well done, and thanks to all who came out or made pledges to the walkers.

Congratulations to prize winners:

Top Pledge – Tracy McNaught ($750!)
Runner Up – Fletcher Boultbee ($125!)
Second Runner Up – Leslie Burritt ($85!)
Most laps – Kelsey Powell (12 laps)
Best Costume – Paul Schortemeyer

Thank you also to:
o Don on the Job of Omemee for donating a port-a-loo for the event
o The Spill for providing hot chocolate
o Trent Animal Science Club for yummy bake sale treats
(especially president Rachel’s turtle-shaped cookies!)
o Canada World Youth Volunteers who helped run the event
o SNAP and the Examiner for covering the walk

Read the Examiner article here: Boosting turtle trauma centre

For her birthday last week, Arisa Brar, 13, asked her friends to forego gifts and instead put their money toward pledges for the Kawartha Turtle Trauma Centre.” Read on…
Watch a short video clip on the Examiner’s Website.