
August 2012

First hatchling of 2012!

By |2012-08-07T21:55:37-04:00August 7th, 2012|Turtle Hospital, Uncategorized|

On July 30th, KTTC welcomed its first hatchling of the season. As the 172nd turtle admitted to the centre this season, it is affectionately referred to as “PATU 2012-172”. Hatching season is always the most exciting time of the season for staff and volunteers. It comes as a reward at the end of a long and [...]

May 2012

“Headstarting” the Next Generation

By |2012-05-11T07:25:49-04:00May 11th, 2012|Turtle Hospital, Uncategorized|

Since many of the turtles presented to KTTC are females that are looking for nesting sites, our 'headstarting' program came about as a natural extension of the hospital.  Eggs are collected, incubated, and hatched at the centre, and we anticipate that the number will increase this year from the 1000 that we incubated last year.  For the [...]

September 2010

The Story of Baby Turtles 1, 2 & 3

By |2010-09-16T20:16:00-04:00September 16th, 2010|Turtle Hospital, Uncategorized|

Have a turtle story to share? Pass it along and we'll post it on our blog. This story was submitted by a local resident who helped return baby turtles hatched at the KTTC to the wild.Saturday, September 11, 2010 was release day for baby turtles 1, 2 &3.Painted Turtle Mom had been found injured on [...]

May 2009

Legend’s Babies

By |2009-05-01T19:08:13-04:00May 1st, 2009|Turtle Hospital, Uncategorized|

A mature Map Turtle, who has been nick-named “Legend”, came to the KTTC with a shell fracture in the spring of last year. Shortly thereafter she delivered 5 eggs into her water enclosure. Four of her oblong eggs were placed an incubator and left - untouched until the babies broke through their shells in the [...]