2024 Annual General Meeting

Important Documents:

The Annual Meeting of the Members of the Ontario Turtle Conservation Centre happens each year in May. This year it will be held

Thursday May 16, 2024, from 7:00 to 8:00 pm via Video Conference

The Notice of Annual Meeting document contains the full details for the meeting.

If you cannot attend the meeting and wish to appoint a proxy on your behalf, please fill in the Proxy of Annual Meeting document and return it to us before the meeting. Completed forms can be sent by email to info@ontarioturtle.ca or by mail to 2785 Television Rd, Peterborough, ON K9L 1E9.

Optionally, you may wish to review our 2023 Audited Financial Statements and the 2023 AGM Meeting Minutes, which will be voted on for approval, ahead of the meeting. We hope to see you there!

Renew Your Membership!

Membership renewal is March 1st of every year, however, you may purchase a membership at any time.  Membership fees are not pro-rated.

Buy or Renew Online

Memberships may be purchased or renewed online using your credit card or your PayPal account. If you indicate that the membership is a gift for someone else, the name and address of the person you are purchasing the membership for should be entered into the ship-to address section.  Additional information may be added in the notes section, as you complete your order.

Purchase By Cheque

If you prefer not to purchase your membership online, you can become a member by sending a cheque with a completed Membership Renewal into OTCC.


Contact our membership coordinator if you have questions about OTCC membership.