Our everyday adventures lead us to witness unique species throughout unique environments.
From deep open water to shallow mud channels, over land to diminishing ephemeral pools, Blanding’s turtles travel and travel far. Most are found during such travels as their domed backs just slightly crests the surface, or as they bask in the sunlight. When they return to the water the woven marsh plants fashions obstacles to swim around, while each piece of vegetation becomes interlaced around them, as if to trap them for eternity.
From deep open water to shallow mud channels, over land to diminishing ephemeral pools, Blanding’s turtles travel and travel far. Most are found during such travels as their domed backs just slightly crests the surface, or as they bask in the sunlight. When they return to the water the woven marsh plants fashions obstacles to swim around, while each piece of vegetation becomes interlaced around them, as if to trap them for eternity.

Blanding’s Turtle
Throughout the forests are a series of well-traveled trails, cut through deep brush and intertwined around steep cliffs. These trails know the easiest way. The architects, White Tailed Deer, bound away at first sight following their trails, to the areas less travelled. Rocky outcrops ascend from these thick forests, cracked and broken. Flashes of blue dart away towards more cover. The juvenile Five-Lined Skinks are shy and weary, allowing only faint glimpse as they travel. Their parents however, emboldened with age can be seen basking on top of these rocks, bathing themselves in the suns eternal warmth.
Five-Lined Skinks
Lily pads glisten with the sun’s rays, as the Loons echoed calls are heard. They silently emerge from the depths and return to them just the same, there bright red eyes reflecting lakes slow ripples. Alongside bleach white water lilies, their bold colouring creates green islands amidst a blackened sea. Mink frogs are seldom seen, crouch tightly against the water lilies as if to become one with it. With the slightest disturbance they disappear, diving deep and burring into the muddy bottoms.

Mink Frog
Wading in wide open grasslands, soaring overhead or coasting rocky shorelines, Great Blue Herons can be seen looking for food. Their heads barley poking out from grasslands ever watching. They flush upwards with force, and soar off into the distance.

Great Blue Heron
Rarely seen yet fairly common, the Smooth Green snake has the perfect camouflage. They slither silently through the grasses, deep green scales keeping them hidden. Their heads sway back and forth to join the swift movements of the grasses in the wind.

Smooth Green Snake