I’m sad to say my time at KTTC is coming to an end shortly 🙁 Only two more weeks-I can’t believe how fast my 14-week placement here has gone! Luckily, I hope to stay in contact with the lovely people at the Centre and continue to help when needed. As a few people here have told me… it’s hard to leave once you’ve become involved with KTTC. I can certainly see how this could happen.
Starting at KTTC I didn’t know much about turtles. As I said in my first post, Ninja Turtles and Franklin were about the extent of my turtle knowledge. Throughout my time here though, I have learned so many amazing things about not only wildlife and turtles, but also about KTTC and the dedicated staff, Board of Directors and volunteers. I just wanted to take a minute to give them all a HUGE thanks for everything that they do for the environment and turtles! Everyone around the Centre has a clear passion for what they do and it most definitely shows. Although I have seen many people passionate about a cause, everyone at KTTC is on a new level than I’ve seen before. Every day I come in, the buzz and love of turtles fills the air (yes, I do know that sounds corny aha). It’s amazing to be surrounded by these wonderful creatures and by the individuals that care so whole-heartedly for them. I am so grateful for having the opportunity to be an intern at KTTC. I can’t wait to see how KTTC grows over the years and will continue to be a supporter of everything they do!
-KTTC PR intern Jessica Brooks