A message from the WWF that will interest turtle enthusiasts:
Marine turtles are a globally important species, but the number of turtles has plummeted and some populations are now on the brink of extinction.
Help save turtles by supporting WWF’s campaign and sign the petition today.
Four out of the 7 species of marine turtles land and lay their eggs on beaches in Malaysia; Leatherbacks, Hawksbills, Olive Ridleys and Green turtles.
They face many threats, including the practice of consuming turtle eggs, becoming accidentally caught in fishing gear, pollution and the illegal trade of turtles and their parts.
But key to all this is the fact that the laws to protect turtles in Malaysia are inadequate. The current Federal law is limited and, under the Constitution, individual states have the authority to make their own laws on turtles. This means that the laws vary from state to state, have loopholes and do not effectively protect turtles and their eggs.
Join WWF and call on the Malaysian government to give turtles the protection they need.
Thank you,
Dato’ Dr. Dionysius Sharma
Executive Director / CEO of WWF-Malaysia
Find more about this action on WWF’s site.