With World Wetlands Day fast approaching, The Kawartha Turtle Trauma Centre is preparing to launch it’s new electronic newsletter. Subscribers will receive the electronic version of our quarterly newsletter as well as periodic updates on centre news, outreach events, fundraising initiatives, volunteer opportunities, and turtle conservation in general. Opt-in now at http://www.kawarthaturtle.org/index.php?p=about&t=news.
A new batch of enthusiastic volunteers has joined the team to work exclusively on outreach projects. This outreach committee will ensure that our newsletter is published (online and in print) four times a year. We will also be attending more special events around the Kawarthas, and developing new communication products.
With the creation of the outreach committee, launch of the distribution list, and revival of the quarterly newsletter, it seemed fitting to overhaul our blog. The blog will serve as an archive for the newsletter, as well as a place for volunteers to post updates on the patients at the centre.
We hope you enjoy our new outreach program, and that you will consider helping us out by becoming a volunteer or forwarding us turtle news for the newsletter or blog!